
The reason

Today I decided to start my own "blog". The thought came across me a couple of days ago when I had a chat with a friend of mine. She told me that now when I had purchased a new camera I needed to have a blog or a photo diary so I could show my newly taken pictures. Of those two options I decided to go for a blog.

The reason I’m doing this is mainly for myself - I want to be able to see how I develop as a photographer (with my new camera) and this is an excellent way for me to practice my English, which I want to improve a lot. So that's why I am writing on English and not on Swedish, which is my native language. And if you as a reader find my blog interesting that's a joyful bonus for me.

Today I was planning on taking a long walk in my neighbourhood along with my camera to try and find an interesting object to practice some shoots on - so far I have only been able to shoot inside due to lack of time and bad weather. I can tell shooting inside is no fun at all because of bad light and a limited distance. Unfortunately when I woke up today the bad weather was still here and it was even worse then yesterday - all dull and grey (=bad light) with some soft rain. I decided that I didn't want to soak my camera for some practice shoots that hadn't been that exciting anyway, so I stayed at home watching a movie which is quite good when it's bad weather outside. I had a calm breakfast and was starring out of my window down on the street below when I heard a really interesting sound (during the summer I always have a window or my balcony door open), and shortly after I then saw the Ferrari shown on the picture below. I quickly grabbed my camera and gave it a try through the window. I know it is a terrible picture, but I think it reflects quite good where I am at the moment with my Nikon D40 - I know how to trigger, but I need to practice a lot to get a decent picture out of it.

The breakfast Ferrari - shoot through my window.


mark said...

An interesting start my friend, I look forward to seeing how your progress goes.
Best of luck with the blog.

Anonymous said...

Hey Stoffe:

Nice car. I can't wait to see what other photos you are going to take.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I like your blog and look forward to reading it often.

Scott Jones said...

I'm very impressed that you're doing this in English, Chris--the thought of writing my blog in French makes me shudder!

I look forward to seeing how quickly your photography improves, too. Don't underestimate cloudy days for photography--sometimes the lack of light is just as useful as having plenty.

Christoffer Sandberg said...

Hi Mark, Cathy and Scott. I'm glad all of you stopped by and took your time to leave a fotprint here at the blog. I appreciate it!

It really is a challenge writing on a different language Scott, I feel a bit limited in my vocabulary for now. But on the other hand life is about conquering challenges and make progress.

I hope to make this blog interesting, but it will be an interesting journey with a lot of spelling/grammar errors and suspicious looking pictures in the beginning ;) but If everything goes as it should it will be better with time though.