
Now and then

I moved in to my current appartment in March, 2006 and I fell in love with it instantly. Sure, there was some changed that needed to be done - but overall it was a great start for me and the building had only been there for half an year, meening everything was new and fresh. Almost one and a half year have passed since then and I have finally started to make this place to reflect myself. Down below you will find before (left) and after (right) pictures on the changes I've made so far.

First we have the kitchen. What I have done here is to put in a dishwasher and a display case for my crystal glasses.

At the dining area I've put up some new wallpapers, which added a touch of color (blue). I've also put some pictures on the wall above the table - the center frame is still waiting for the perfect picture, though.

This is where the most of the changes has happend. Some of the changes are that I've bought myself a new TV, I have moved down the reciever from the shelf, added new wallpapers, hidden all the cords, bought myself a livingroom table and much more.

My next project on the course of home improvement will take part in the bedroom. I haven't set a date for it yet, but the planning has started...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

vilken mysig lägenhet :)
den är pimpad! wihoo!